This qigong set was developed by Dr Hua Tuo around 25-220 CE. The gentle and harmonious movements of Wu Qin Xi represent the spirit of the five animals - the power of the tiger, the ease of the deer, the steadiness and calmness of the bear, the dexterity of the monkey and the agility of the bird.
Qigong is an internal Chinese meditative practice with over 3000 years of history, which often uses slow graceful movements and controlled breathing techniques. The Chinese believe that this gentle exercise, which incorporates the mind, breathing and body, helps to cultivate and promote circulation of qi within the human body, thus enhancing a practitioner’s overall health. The Chinese character for qi can mean air, breath or life force. Gong means work, so qigong is therefore the practice of “working” with one’s “life force”.
Health Qigong® began in the early 2000s when a group of China's best qigong masters, TCM professors, and medical and sports experts were brought together by the Chinese National Sports Council and Chinese Health Qigong Association to conduct in-depth research and assessment of the beneficial effects qigong brings to our daily lives. Developed based on ancient Chinese traditional yin yang theory (harmony between humans and nature, harmony between mind and body), it follows the theories of the functions of the internal organs and meridians as well as the principles of circulation of qi and blood in the human body.
Classes are online via Zoom and are £3/session. Contact me here if you would like to join in.