Thursday, 21 February 2019

Boots found at TocH

These soft furry boots were found by Alan after the class at Leigh South Community Centre on Tuesday. Anyone know whose they are?

Saturday, 2 February 2019

Qigong for beginners - upcoming courses

Just like tai chi, qigong is a great exercise for health and relaxation. It is suitable for all levels of health and ability and can be adapted to the individual.

Coming up at the beginning of April are two 10 week courses on Yi Jin Jing muscle and tendon strengthening exercises, one daytime, one evening.

The courses are designed for beginners and no previous knowledge is required. Just like tai chi, though, more advanced students can benefit from going over the basics of each move.

Both courses are great value at £50 for the 10 week course. And if you book by 1 March you get £10 off!

The daytime class is on Wednesdays, 10am-11am, at Leigh South (TocH) Community Centre, 32 Hope Carr Road, Leigh WN7 3ET, and runs from Wednesday 3 April to Wednesday 5 June.

The evening class is on Thursdays, 6pm-7pm. at Hurst Dance Studios, 51 Market St, Hindley, Wigan WN2 3AE, and runs from Thursday 4 April to 6 June.

Click below to get your early booking discount now or email for more information.

For the Wednesday morning classes in Leigh:

And for the Thursday evening classes on Hindley: