Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Tai chi and ba duan jin seminars in May

The Qing Dyansty printing of the Weisheng Jiey...Image via Wikipedia
There is a seminar coming up on Sunday 8 May in Denshaw near Oldham by my teacher Faye Li Yip. It will be half on the 24-step form and half on ba duan jin. This will be followed by another seminar on 22 May on ba duan jin, where Faye will be touring the country with qigong masters from China.

Ba duan jin is the set of eight qigong exercises we do in class, although we do a slightly different version to the one in these seminars.

If you are interested in attending either of these, the cost is £35 per person per seminar and lunch is provided. The contact is Phil Garside on 07790 826841.
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